

Takuma (@takuma3_)

Researcher, designer, and enthusiast based on Tokyo. Exploring his interests and implementing them into expressions and products.

In 2019, Takuma met a digital camera named SIGMA fp, and have focused on photographic art. He designs camera accessories and lenses, and makes and sells them using 3D printers. His representative works include the stereoscopic lens named ‘MITUMERUNDES’, which can take three images at the same time, and a vertically suspended camera strap holder for the SIGMA fp.

Recent interests: photography, photophysics, product design, SIGMA fp, classical guitar, synthesizer, climbing, running, ashtanga vinyasa yoga, road bike, p5js, knitting, DIY, sculpture, 3D printer.

§ Online Store

kamau - @takuma3_ direct sale
Takuma sells self-designed accessories for cameras and desks from PREDUCTS, utilizing 3D printers.

Takuma is involved in its 3D printing manufacturing of the indidually crafted camera lens named “TETTOR” designed by Tettou (@tettou771)

Takuma sells T-shirts and other apparel products printed from the photos he took.

§ Exhibitions

Oct 25, 2023 - Oct 29, 2023, 10p10fp展 - 10 people 10 fp photo exhibtion

Nov 19, 2022 - Nov 23, 2022, 光を溶かす器械 (Light melting instrument) - Craft Lens TETTOR photo exhibition

§ Interviews, Speaking Engagements

_Jul 9, 2024, 066. “Now, algorithms are surrounding us.” (in Japanese, Podcast)

Dec 1, 2023, He shapes “I wish I had this” and pursues to improve usability of tools. Takuma | 90s - Muchubito #4 (in Japanese, YouTube)

Aug 28, 2023, Interview: joy of continually changing between products and myself. — Takuma | PREDUCTS (in Japanese)

Nov 21, 2021, SIGMA Station: Weekend Talk LIVE #30 (YouTube) - Talk with Takuma-san about pleasure of fp & fpL (in Japanese)

§ Awards

Feb 21, 2020, Photo Contest: “Let’s take pictures of Shibuya city with Saul Leiter as a role model!”, Saul Leiter Foundation Award

§ Personal Projects

§ Communities

§ Contact / Social Media

§ About Top Banner Picture

The banner picture on the top and icons on social media are taken by his original lens “MITUMERUNDES”. Due to the parallax of the lenses, the white lines at the pedestrian crossing are captured in triplicate.